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Team Cup

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Nigg bay 1 entering payment has been made

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1st Round to be played on Thursday 7th December.Home team first.

Oldmacher1 v Sportsmans2

Hopeville V Nigg1

Country Club V Culter1

Byes Culter2, Nigg2, Sportsmans1,22Club, Portland.

Draw was done by Ewen Laing John Robertson and myself.Good luck Teams.John

Matches to be played on Thursday 18th January 2024. Home team first

Nigg 2 v Oldmacher

Sportsmans 1 v Country Club

Culter 2 v Hopeville

Portland v 22 Club

Draw was done by Davie Goodfellow Snr, Graeme Herd, Ewen and myself.

Good luck teams


Culter 2 5-7  Hopeville

Semi Final

Portland 7-3 Oldmacher

Hopeville 5-7 Sportsman's 1

To be played on the Thursday 1st Feb.

All the best to all 4 teams.....

Robbo has reacted to this post.

hopeville 5-7 Sporstmans 1

Was a good tight match and couple of swings and roundabouts but Snr managed to get over the line ...Just Haha

Thanks to the Hopeville lads for the good luck wishes for the final

Pubies1990 and greenbaize have reacted to this post.


Start 7pm

Portland v Sportsmans1

To be played on Thursday 7th March

At Culter Mills Club.

Polo shirts dress trousers dress shoes.

Well done the 2 teams making the final and good luck to both. John.


Good luck to both Portland and Sportsman’s 1 playing for team cup tonight at Culter 7pm.


Sportsman’s 1  7-5. Portland

Close encounter with Snr winning 2-0 in final matchup. Did a captains job….

Well done to both teams for making final and to Sportsman’s for winning the cup.

Thanks to Culter for hosting and supplying the sandwiches….👏 and to Sandy for prepping the tables.

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