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Prize-giving night and AGM

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Ok......well in my experience some people won't call out your score, then you ask how much was that and they go, eh....I think 38 no, wait, right 2 blues, a pink, 2 blacks or was it 3 I can't remember???? That's exactly what I mean. Players like myself and you Derek will call out scores but someone new probably wouldn't or the pool lads as they don't know what match procedure is with this. That's what I meant.

I know what you mean Mark but if introduced then team captains would need to explain the procedure to anyone who needs it I would suggest.....Well done in winning the league by the way!!!đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

I was very sorry to disrupt the prize giving night with my fainting turn , am glad to say I am home and feeling fine .

Thanks to all for the concern shown , it is great especially at my age to be part of a group that is the Aberdeen snooker league.

George Meldrum

Don't be sorry George!! It happens, nobody cared about the trophies etc, it was about you being safe and well. It was extremely hot in there with all the bodies. Well done everyone who helped out and also the casino manager for his immediate help. Great turn out also. Good to see your feeling better now, and see you next season.




Thanks Mark much appreciated , I contacted Soul to thank them for their help especially Colin the manager on the evening

With the AGM coming up I have read through the proposals and comments above.

Personally I can't see too much wrong with the current set up. Since handicaps were introduced 4 years ago we have had 8 different teams finishing first and second in each of the years.

I think people are forgetting that everyone who plays in the league are not serious snooker players, with quite a lot possibly only playing on a Tuesday night only. A few comments above are suggesting that players will have to improve. I am sure everyone would love to be better, but as someone said there are a lot of older players who probably unfortunately have zero chance of improving. In a handicap set up you would expect after 4 years that the majority of players would be winning and losing reasonably similar amounts of games each season. If it were all scratch games some people could win every game but with handicaps this will never happen. People need to realise that no matter how good you are you are never going to win all of your games.

Some of the teams including ourselves are struggling to regularly field 6 players. Some people turning out are maybe only playing so a team can remain in the league. I think and hope everyone would agree that we really need to keep as many teams continuing to compete as possible. Handicaps have been great for the league and make it worthwhile for people not so good to turn out on a Tuesday.

A few are suggesting that people are only potting one or two balls in a game and still winning which is not a good thing. I assume they are suggesting that the start given must be far too much. When a big start is given one player must be very good and the other not very good. If someone only pots one or two balls and wins then surely the good player has not played very well unless the big colours have gone safe? Only saying as I have never witnessed any of these games.

People still seem to be complaining about the size of certain players handicaps. Looking at the current handicaps of players of 50+ points only Martin from CC and Alan from HH have came down over 10 this season. Every other player appears to have gone up or remained the same. All these players started at 28 so they have hardly had it good. Some people have suggested the max start to be reduced to 42 which is a ridiculous number, as at the very start the difference between marc -16 iirc and everyone else at 28 was 44 points. The gap has widened considerably and not got less. I think a fair max start should however be reduced from 100 at present to around 80.

The proposal from Culter regarding 2 separate leagues could never work unless you had no promotion/relegation. Any of the teams could win the handicap league and it would be totally pointless for them to go up and play in a scratch league. I dont even think the scratch league presumably of 8 teams would produce a lot of competitive games. If there is to be 2 separate leagues one scratch and one handicap, then we will need 2 separate trophies and 2 lots of prize money.

The proposal regarding handicaps only going up or down by one when playing at a one table club I think is a good one and probably should have been introduced at the start.

I proposed all games to ko at 6.30pm because some games were going on too long and a small amount have been finishing near midnight. It appears that people dont want this so not a problem. When I said that people have been playing on for a ridiculous number of snookers, it was really only the not so good players I was referring to. I have no problem with the good players playing for however number are required as they are all capable of getting them.

Regarding referees my concern is when something contoversial happens like which ball did they hit first or a possible simultaneous hit. At least if there is a ref a decision is made which basically stands. I know people play matches without refs and if it does mean that more players can play in the league who also want to play pool, then it is probably a good thing. Maybe instead of having 6 home players refereeing you could have 3 players from each side  whether you are home or away.


Thanks for your thoughts Thommo agree with the majority. Problem with 3 refs from each time is as you know half of us will end up refereeing every week and the other half never. Not much wrong with current set up, I don’t believe anyone is refusing to play because they don’t want to referee. Where are these players?? And we don’t force anyone to referee there’s often times were people can’t and the opposition usually help out or somebody covers an extra frame, I personally don’t think there are people out there who don’t play because they can’t ref. But open to be proved otherwise.  Remember we got 6 pool players to form a team and they never even made it to week 1!!!

Ref the one point deduction per frame the way I see it is that if you’ve gained 2 league points whether it’s winning one frame or two then the handicap must come down 2 otherwise it’s a huge advantage for one table clubs. Looked back at results and 22 Club would’ve won league 2/3 weeks earlier if they all had 10 points more on their handicaps which equates to the average number of Home games they won. You can’t win two league points for the one frame then only go down one on the handicap imo.

6.30 starts would prove difficult for some teams , could be an idea to start the one table matches at 6.30 as usually where 2 tables one flows ok even if the other tied down, and you would only need 2 players there, this  would cover Hazlehead? Transport we know about closing at 10 so they could remain 6.30.

These are purely my thoughts to give people something to think about before Thursday.

Ok Steve thanks for your reply and explanations.

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