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Bob Benson Handicap Competition 2022 Entries Free

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G. Groves 3 - 0 S. Paterson

Derry Simpson 3 - 1 K. Jamieson

All pretty much tight frames which could have gone either way typical Tuesday night snooker. Kevin tied me in knots with snookers. Best of luck with the rest of the season Kev.

K MacPherson 3-0 D Hudson

S Masson 3 - S Martin 1

S Martin 38

Quarter Finals Best of 5 frames.

To be played by 28th March.

Home player first.

P Hardy (Old1) -22 -W/O    A Pedelty(22)4

D Simpson (Dee)20  - W/O R Buckley(Port) 32

E Laing(Cult1) 10. 0-3   G Groves(Port) 20

K MacPherson(Old1)-8.1-3  S Masson( Cult1) 10


6 days for all matches to be played seems an awful quick turnaround. Surely there must be leeway for an extension if necessary. I don’t think anyone wants to go through at this stage by w/o 

Hi it is slightly different but a week to play a game is not to tight.Small Extensions can possibly be granted if valid reason ie  offshore/ covid.The dates were up before the competition started. John.

P Hardy 3.0 C Smart

P Hardy 68

Hi guys

In honour of Bob Benson the semi finals and final this year will be kindly hosted at Sportmans Club on Sunday 3rd April, he was a popular figure at the club for many years.
Semifinals 2:30      Final  7:30






Unfortunately I will need to pull out this comp as my weekend off was suppose to be next weekend but I was asked to swap couple months ago for cover as college off on hols. I apologise to players and committee.

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