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Committee News

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Right last attempt....Well done Paul/John.

Just wanted to point out that the

rankings list needs updated with latest hanicops. giving up on I.T. now

Thanks Derek,

We are having technical issues at the moment, we will get it updated within the next week.🤞🏻



Handicaps were done a few weeks ago, I promised to update the rankings before the season started as the committee have changed the structure slightly, now done.

It's sorted on overall points first (obviously), where 2 players are tied its sorted on most competition points to decide the higher ranked. If these are both tied (KENNY COOK!!)  then i've used most NOS points as the tie breaker as that's the bigger comp. (Committee let me know if want this sorted differently)

If folk are tied on everything then god knows 🙂

If you click into rankings now you'll see its a thing of beauty, apart from my own tie-break rules knocking me out of the 16.

Any questions, shout.

Over and out..... again.

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