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I attended the AGM when the new idea of capping players handicaps at both ends at -60 and +60 was proposed and then passed.

When I changed Marc from -116 to -60 and John from -86 to -60 it never really entered my head how doing this would affect the rankings of both players. Obviously Marc has lost more points than John but both have lost out through no fault of their own. Both players have worked hard and played very well to win so many games to get to the top, and this to me just makes a mockery of the whole ranking system.

Also on a Tuesday night if you are at -60 when you win you stay at -60, when you draw you stay at -60 and if you lose you go down to -58. So how does a player at -60 gain points to help their ranking other than through competitions? This whilst any player not at -60 can gain points through improving their handicap and through competitions.

Just wanted to post this as I think it needs addressing and maybe I am missing something.





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The max/min handicap is not up for debate as was proposed and agreed at the AGM. John and Marc are still the top two on merit but means the others can possibly catch them if the continue to have a good run in the league and comps. Further ideas are fine but should be posted for next AGM nearer the time.


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