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AGM Minutes

Copy of minutes from AGM 6/6/17 at Sportsmans Club Aberdeen.


ROLL CALL : All teams represented except Hopeville and New possible team Portland 2. Apologies from Steven Thomson/Hopeville, Committee of Portland 2 & Harry Brebner/CC2


MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS AGM : Suggestion from Committee not to discuss - nothing to discuss.


TREASURERS REPORT : Duncan Will advised of financial position. Account to date £450-£500 less than at this time last year due to loss of sponsorship (£500). Otherwise healthy - all competition entries up.

David Goodfellow proposed/ Vince Milne Seconded Balance sheet.


ELECTION OF COMMITTEE : Current committee re-appointed with no objections. Kenny MacPherson and Ross Crighton agree to help at non committee level for 2017/2018 season.

PROPOSALS : Prior to proposals being read out, Chairman advises of 2 new teams wishing to join league. Namely Rileys and Portland 2  - Rileys welcomed, Portland 2 must adhere to regulations of Association based on previous history.

1. Ross Crighton proposed High break prizes change. After discussion it was decided the most realistic option is to keep Status Quo but open up to 4 sections/4 prizes.

2. Ross Crighton change to handicap structure (capping to 40) not backed.

3. Ross Crighton proposes clubs the standard of tables/equipment is improved at all clubs for Tuesday night league matches. Not voted on but general agreement that clubs need to make the effort.

4. Barry Smith proposed the Counties Team selection is done in future as per Alec Mains process this year. Alec not present but floor happy for committee to decide.

5. Barry Smith proposes a new Aberdeen Masters comp. Floor open to it and happy for committee to decide on comps moving forward (including Superleague)

6. Barry Smith proposes change to one table handicap games. Voted against.

7. Lenny Mutch proposes change to points system in league. 3 point for win suggested due to Transport club opening/closing times. Floor voted to keep current system and any matches to be played at Transport club starts at 6.30pm.

AOCB : General discussion points -

New players : Keep current structure for new players handicaps. Discussion between team captain and committee to decide on handicap. This will be monitored for 3 weeks play and altered if required

Rankings : Steve Biggs suggests new rolling ranking system incorporating league handicap. Should provide a more accurate Ranking. Seedings would therefore be different for each comp and team selections for possible Aberdeen Masters and Counties can be clear. Steve to post on website how it works.

Website : Chairman thanks Derek Hudson for work on new website. Easier to use and features like social media added. will be used moving forward as recurring problems and cost of previous site proving a headache. Chairman suggested all members sign up to new website as old one will not be used and closed down once info is transferred.

Comps : Steve Biggs advises of probable changes to comps format. Current format left no flexibility. Probable last 8 to venue for Interclubs & Aberdeen singles. Handicap comp to have semis and final at venue. Team cup - 4 man teams. Clubs can enter two teams. Billiards to be played over one day at a venue.

League formation : General consensus is that season is too long. Now with additional teams joining, it was voted league will split at Xmas. Two leagues moving forward with promotion/relegation battle.

RUA lights : Charlie McCaig unhappy at lighting at RUA. Committee advised that its up to each individual club to ensure facilities are decent.

Table improvements : Mark Humphrey looking to service tables - Patrick Lovie to advise.
