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This years AGM will be held on Tuesday 14th May at the 22 Club at 7pm.

Captains are asked to attend or nominate a team member (if date unsuitable) to represent your respective teams.

Also those who may have proposals to put forward should attend to explain fully if possible.

League players are also welcome to attend if they so wish.

May I ask all to post proposals on this forum so ensure they are captured,  often ideas are lost as they are posted as a personal opinion or mentioned as a discussion point.


  •  Agree to current committee inc replacement league secretary
  • Agree handicap structure for 2025 season
  • Agree rankings structure for 2025 season
  • Explain new league republic system developed by Steve Clark to update league positions, Handicap and rankings
  • Need to update league constitution - Committee to update and pass to captains for approval
  • Financials
  • Competition Entries format and schedule (reduce time between matches?)
  • Competitions advance entry cost
  • Competitions General - Continue with Semi/Final at venue except NOS
  • October holidays break - Thoughts
  • Shootout Competitions cost increase for 2025 to include catering
  • Team registration cost increase to £150
  • Junior members joining a league team  - Is this an issue with entering clubs under team escort?
  • Team Cup entry cost
  • Continue with 1 player can play twice if only 5 players available (once per season), any less than 5 or all players have played twice = frames conceded
  • Team Cup entry cost - 6 players required with no player playing twice or frames conceded.
  • Proposals
    • Playoff system introduction - discuss
    • Singles League addition - Discuss
    • Remove handicap from Rankings  - Discuss
    • Counties Team Selection - Discuss
    • Playoff structure if league tied in future



For the attention of the Committee,


Firstly I would like to propose that waistcoats and bow-ties (i.e Dress Code) is brought back in from next season for The North Of Scotland is our most prestigious and most Historic Competition and to make it once again our stand out event, I agree with the relaxed dress code in other events i.e Shootout, Handicap etc. But not for our Premier event.


and secondly I would like to propose to try and open the Competition in future years up to the whole of the North Of Scotland , i. e Elgin , Inverness, etc even as far as Dundee through advertising and Facebook, and Social Media in general also possibility streaming of matches to create an interest in the event.


Thank you


Mark Oaten

Oldmachar Snooker team.

CalumMcCready has reacted to this post.

North of Scotland

Another terrific final last night with Marc winning on the pink in the final frame. The only downside was that there were only 15 spectators for what is supposedly our premier competition. Excluding Marc and John there were 14 other players who qualified for the last 16 at the venue and only 4 could be bothered to turn up for the final.

I wish to propose that any player who qualifies for the venue and fails to attend the final be stripped of any ranking points they may have gained in this competition.


Sandy Masson

Culter Club

ReneT has reacted to this post.

Sorry Sandy,but that’s a ridiculous proposal I’m going to throw my tuppence worth in here,first of all I would have attended the final if I hadn’t been ill with man flu🤣,as I normally attend most finals,iits ok for u cos u stay round the corner from Culter,but what about the guys that have to catch a bus in to town then a bus to Culter,and then some people have an hour drive to get there,it certainly wouldn’t be me that’s for sure.Yes maybe Culter is the best venue,but it’s not in the best location.Ive always said it should be held in the town at a weekend,boys can get a bite to eat and get a few pints like any other  weekend,another final involving Marc and John is this an issue as Marc said in previous post 💤💤💤 but it’s not there fault there better than everyone else🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.The last league game of season was virtually end of my snooker season along with everyone else as people have other activities and interests,so why hold the most PRESTIGIOUS comp of the season 4 weeks later,doesn’t make sense to me🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️surely we need more people entering than pulling out cos there going to lose ranking points for not managing to attend the final…..Ridiculous.

What is ridiculous is that every player who reaches the venue will play in the final if they win through but 10 out of 16 who were beaten prior disappeared into the sunset never to be seen again. As for the venue I am not aware of any city centre club with two tables willing to host the North of Scotland in its present form over nearly a week including 10 - 12 hours on the Sunday and the final did not finish until midnight.

My point in my post is that players who reach the last 16 in the main represent the best that Aberdeen snooker has to offer. If the bulk of these players cant be bothered to turn up to the final what message does that send to the vast majority of punters who make up the league and to whom ranking points are in any case irrelevant.

I get what your saying Sandy,but u can’t force people to go,if they don’t want to.Maybe Riley’s would be the only club but not sure🤷‍♂️Is it time for change then shake things up a bit,the AGM is coming up so why not ask the question what do the players want where and when should it be held,there used to be electronic scoreboard worked off laptop,what happened to that 🤷‍♂️waistcoats🤷‍♂️if it’s supposed to be prestige then make it prestige,give people an incentive to get there.


Well I reached the last 16 as you know but in doing that I have to make sacrifices. If I had went through I'd have to relay on others helping me out etc.

It's certainly not the case of oh I can't be bothered it's more the fact of me being self employed and I simply can't lose revenue to go watch but as mentioned if I'm playing I can ask others to help out to accommodate.

It does seem a tad unfair that Culter does host most competitions but it's certainly the best venue we have and I like many others are very grateful, but it's  very rural just to turn up and watch. For most I recon it would be a 10 mile plus journey for spectators.

Stevie made a very good point in why don't we glamorous our most prestigious competition. I'm not in the slightest suggesting this would be easy as the running of the league and comps would be very challenging and keeping everyone happy just isn't possible.

Nothing wrong with having ideas as long as its sensible for going forward and the only way that's possible is to have the backing of the committee and the ideas from the players.

Socal media is your biggest target for gaining interest. An idea would be asking kev McLean to make a short film about league snooker and the comps. Maybe include interviews- current sponsors etc.

Stevie I agree that it is time for the whole competition set up to be reviewed. With this in mind I propose that the venue stage for the North of Scotland be reduced to the semi final and final in line with other competitions. This would make it far more manageable for the host club and also open the way for other clubs to hold the event should they wish to do so. It would also allow a one table club to host the event over three nights or two days if a Saturday or Sunday was used. The electronic scoreboard  is alive and well sitting in a cupboard at culter. As the number of spectators at the finals dropped it was no longer worth taking it out of its box. I understand that there is no easy answer to ease the demise of Aberdeen snooker and the competitions in particular and I genuinely do not wish to cause anyone any offence. That said I refer to my earlier point - if the best snooker players in Aberdeen do not attend the final of a competition they were part of why should anyone else bother. In my view these players should lead by example.


Sandy Masson

U certainly haven’t offended me Sandy,we r purely having a discussion and airing our opinions which we r allowed to do.I think your maybe right with the semi and final idea,could open up for a few other clubs to get involved over the week.I do believe it needs freshened up tho,look what Gav has done with the plate competition something different and something new with 29 entries,great to c.