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Aberdeen Singles 2024

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Here is the draw for the 1st Round:

1: D Simpson 3-1 K Jamieson

2: J Robertson 3-2 S Roberts

3: A Johnston 3-0 S Biggs

4: M Oaten W/O-Scr S Thomson

5: S Leece 1-3 P Hardy

6: G Whyte 3-1 C Smart

7: S Paterson W/O-Scr P Farnan

8: R Gardiner 2-3 S Martin

9: D McKerron Scr-W/O A Pedalty

10: J Hutcheon 0-3 D Morrison

11: M Thompson Scr-W/O L Mutch

12: D Hudson 1-3 J McCann

13: K Steel W/O-Scr P McDonald

14: M Reid 0-3 R Taticek

15: A Gerrie0-3 G Smart

16: H Brebner W/O-Scr R Murray

17: M Humphries 0-3 S Garden

18: B Robson 3-0 R Buckley

19: J Cox 3-1 S Clark

20: I Thompson 1-3 D Goodfellow Jnr

21: C Campbell 3-0 K  McLean

22: A Main 3-0 S Masson

23: K Cook 1-3 D Thompson (Hazelhead)

Byes: D Thompson (Nigg 2), J McNolty, E Laing, T Thompson, D Goodfellow Snr, M Davis, G McRobb, C McCready and A Stevenson

Best of 5 frames and1st Round to be played by the 23rd January and good luck.



K steel w/o- scr p mcdonald

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S paterson w/o v p farnan                                   hope u feel better soon peter.

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P Hardy 3-1 S Leece

P Hardy 40,32

Had run balls tonight and Stuart deserved it to go final frame

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A Gerrie 0-3 G Smart

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J Robertson 3 - 2 S Roberts

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B Robson 3-0 R Buckley

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C Campbell 3 - 0 K McLean


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D. McKerron scr v w/o A. Pedelty

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M Reid 0 : 3 R Taticek

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