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Aberdeen Singles 2022

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First round draw. Best of 5 frames. Home player first. To be played by April 4th.

M Reid ( cult 2 ) 0-3 D Morrison ( cult 2 )

E Laing ( cult 1 ) W/O  S Masson ( cult 1 )

D Thompson ( hh ) 3-1 S Patterson  ( port )

G Mcrobb ( dee 2 ) v S Martin ( old 1 )

S Garden ( dee 2 ) 3-0 R Grant ( cult 2 )

C Smart ( cc ) 3-1 S Clark ( cult 1 )

B Robson { sport 1 ) 2-3 S Leece ( cult 1 )

J Robertson ( port ) 3-0 G Whyte ( cult 1 )

After first round random draws throughout the event.


byes M Davis- J McCann - P Hardy - D Hudson - D Goodfellow jnr - M Oaten -

A Johnston- R Taticek


I'm sorry, but this draw is a farce. Seperating the 8 highest ranked players goes against the whole ethos of the competition.

The 8 byes should be drawn at random or it goes against the point of having an open draw event.

Good luck anyway


You are spot on Kenny. I messaged John McCann a couple of days ago to ask when it was decided to change the format of this comp and I got a pathetic reply from him saying the players have a better chance of qualifying if he gives top 8 a bye. The format for this comp was decided at an AGM  several years ago and EVERY ROUND should be open draw.

It's as simple as this Kenny/Stuart, if the change hasn't been voted at an AGM it can't be changed.  So draw the seeds to play each other and may the best man win. If a redraw is done with all names well it's a farce and I'd like it to be noted that will h the decline in numbers in competition numbers they'd be as well scrapping the seeding.




Any way does anyone have Stevie Martin's number.

07793597345 there u go Gav🤣

All, the Aberdeen singles was always a random draw for each round historically. On this occasion We have a smaller entry and therefore needed 8 byes. John decided this would be the top 8 seeds, his reasoning was that this would hopefully ensure more non seeds could make the venue.
I can understand the point that the top 8 could have been drawn against each other etc but this would have been unlikely. The comp will not be redrawn and will be played as is. Going forward we need more entries to comps to avoid multiple byes.


Evening Derek,


I understand what your saying but for a competition that's an  open draw, so should the byes.


For the seeds to be automatically given the bye takes out the fairness and looks like it's to make sure seeds get looked after. I pay my money like everyone else and should I get drawn against any top seed in the first round so be it and I'm sure everyone else enters on the same reason. (Luck of the draw)

As for dwindling numbers if they are getting to the point of not enough entries we should ask why but this scenario isn't going to help promote our game in a good light if this is how things are being decided.

For somebody like Kenny MacPherson to speak up says alot in my eyes.









Im glad you understand what I am saying. Decision was made for the right reasons, not to protect seeds. Next round will be open draw. As I have said I understand the points made and we as a committee have noted them for future. Like you I particularly respect Kenny’s point of view.


Sorry Derek but I’ve tried to keep out of this but most know me.

There wasn’t a decision to be made. It’s simply 24 names in a hat and start pulling them out after you have positioned 8 byes within the draw to avoid byes playing byes.

An open draw is an open draw and nothing more. To fix this mistake the comp should of been redrawn.

The biggest point to make is in an open draw competition is there are no seeded players. It’s simply you pay your entry, take your chances who you get drawn against and play well and the best player wins.

If the thought was to get more non seeded players at the venue then that can only happen if seeded players knock out seeded players in the first/qualifying round.

Hopefully the next round will be 16 players in a hat and not two separate hats where 8 qualifying players are randomly drawn against the 8 privileged players.


oh and in my opinion this comp would of been better played down to the semifinals to avoid players not knowing when they are due to play. They won’t know until after the draw after each round. Hopefully all players are available at their times during the week.

Good luck to all.


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